Wednesday, 6 July 2011


STALKERS SHIELD for anti- social personalities. Let's face it with all the stalking and flaming growing weekly, WE NEED ONE! Facebook is an anti-social network and not a social network, with all the anti-social stalking and flaming growing every day. Although it seemed obvious to me as well, with Facebook just filling up as somewhere that people hate and resent from behind a computer terminal, I had to sit back and think carefully why we and others are seeing it this way more and more. The answer to that question lies in the fact that to hate and resent from behind the relative safety of a computer terminal leaves a person much more insulated from observing at that exact point in time the damage they are doing to the person they are stalking or commenting about. During face to face contact in our every day lives we get much more of a feel and sense of our humanness in that we sense each others pain and suffering more, we empathise more because its no longer the written word from behind the computer terminal, but rather the full feeling sensing spiritual people we really are within our family and community lives. I have drawn the conclusion that if we are anything less than complete, we change who we are, no matter how we try not to, by projecting some of the harm we suffer into the Facebook world of instant unaccountability. However the result is long term almost viral effects on the lives of everyone connected. Little wonder, so many of us deactivate/reactivate with increasing frequency in order to de-stress from the effects of the anti-social network. The collective effect on us all is very much a random almost irrational viral generation of reactive and counter reactive fear, as though we are inside a pinball machine where even standing still and not being in defence mode could cost us heavily if hit by one of the random fired ricocheting balls. This collective fear is what secures us to return to the Facebook now anti-social network to protect ourselves from the ever growing pool of hate campaigns and bitterness that run on even when we leave our terminal. So to protect ourselves we buy mobile devices in order to take our terminals with us wherever we go. We need to recognise this within ourselves. If this isn’t invasive and addictive, I know not what is and I have to draw my final conclusion being that the anti-social Facebook collective pool actually although a distraction from real life, actually damages real life itself by its negative effect of increasing fear within our conscious and unconscious minds. This pushing us further into the human collective mode of using Psychological Defence Mechanisms (Sigmund Freud) as a way of coping in our everyday lives. This causes us to become more confused as to where these fear feelings come from and make our natural ability to blend unconscious shadow (Carl Jung) into conscious thought in coming to terms with all that our lives react and counter react with. Our individual, family and community lives, and even our spiritual feeling and thinking is challenged by the level of our reaction to the hatred and resentment within this anti-social pool. So, if the reason we return to the Facebook anti-social network is because of boredom or addiction to anxiety/fear psychological defence mechanisms, then we are using Facebook as an alto life, like humans do their alto ego’s to escape from our feelings of responsibility and guilt that are being paranoid projected into Facebook by us all, instead of being blended into shadow as we come to terms with reality, as our fear and defence mechanisms reduce in reaction to reality being safer than the Facebook anti social network itself. Little wonder we see larger than life effects like super altos, super ego’s, super denial, super intellectualization, super projection, super lying and super psychological defence mechanisms in general. Resulting in the larger than life ego wars between the unaccountable terminal operators, super suppressing by gagging all participants from reality, by egotistical fantasy, disinformation and pathological lying, to control harm and abuse any prey that might fall their way, or worse still, anyone who tries to protect the vulnerable from becoming the prey of those who selfishness see the Satanic as their right to abuse all. A larger than life world with a tilted scale, which tilts away from all that, is unselfish, peaceful, good, and caring, being our true empathic pathway to the spiritual world itself. Isn’t this becoming the secret world of criminality and the establishment, where the gagging order rules over our freedom of expression, by suppressing the revealing of all that is harmful and bad into the secret world of the Satanic, where almost all intentional harm emanates from, the catalyst for our counter reactive transference of harm, to each other and all that there is? The Super Gagging Order itself protects the Satanic and not the child! The final solution, or is it??? Kevin Bull Free Thinking Voice & International Rescue for Families. in SHADOW of the UNCONSCIOUS mind, blinds the ESTABLISHMENT of PROJECTING the NAZI LEBENSBORN slogan "IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE CHILD" for today’s SS to attack empathic family's, by the EUGENICS of kidnapping caring families children for their uncaring anti-social kind.

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